Monday, December 18, 2006

two daes in da rain n a fever goin on...

ncc bbq went well..
we did a bbq even wit da rain..
lots of even on dat dae...
from torn shorts to singing of da ncc song in damiddle of da nyte..
ok den..
lazie to tok much..
coz i talked alot..

[Ĉõŋqüėŕĩŋģ mŷşēĽƒ]<3 @
9:53 PM
|Ľĩƒēş ǻ ƒăĩŕŷťāĿę|

Saturday, December 16, 2006

in loving memory...Muhd Haikal B Azman...16/12/06

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

im missing u alredie..
hus gonna teach me at cik azmats place now...
no use crying..
nuting will bring u back..
wadeva it is...
i miss u...
i promise u i won't cry..
i promise..
im crying alreadie..
can anibodie make mie stop???
malay chinese indian urasian...
make me laugh again..
im too sad alreadie...

dis song is dedicated to u...
Salam Terakhir

Sampaikan salam buat semua
Salam terakhir salam teristimewa
Kepada kau yang tersayang
Pada teman yang ku kenang
Pemergian ku ini tak dirancang

Usah bertanya mengapa aku
Mengucap salam terakhir kepada mu
Kerna waktu berputaran
Bimbang tak berkesempatan
Melahirkan kerinduan terhadapmu

( korus 1 )
Demi sebuah kenyataan
Yang amat menyakitkan
Aku yang tidak berdaya
Hanya berserah padaNya

( korus 2 )
Salam akhir
Salam yang teristimewa
KepadaNya ku memohon keampunan
MelaluiNya ku beri kemaafan

( ulang korus1, korus2 )

Andainya aku punya waktu
Masih ku ingin mengulangi semula
Saat indah bersama mu
Sayang tak berkesempatan
Abadikan saja salam ku di ingatan
Salam ku yang terakhir

[Ĉõŋqüėŕĩŋģ mŷşēĽƒ]<3 @
4:51 AM
|Ľĩƒēş ǻ ƒăĩŕŷťāĿę|

Friday, December 08, 2006

new bloggie...

juz made diz new one..
sum idiot deleted my old account by "mistake"..
sit back..

[Ĉõŋqüėŕĩŋģ mŷşēĽƒ]<3 @
6:23 AM
|Ľĩƒēş ǻ ƒăĩŕŷťāĿę|

Camp Pinnacle

juz came back from camp pinnacle...
tired lyke hell siah..
evridae aso 5 hrs sleep...


04 dec 06

opening address...
lunch...-deLicious lyke hell!!!
more rapelling...haha...
dinner...-guess who i met wit???
interaction with SAFWOS students...
night snack..
lights out...

05 dec 06 -HapiE burFdaE RafaeL!!!

wakey2... sick coz i wanted to go on a "relief" mission...
got tour ard SISPEC
IMT..-got mostlie headshots...
share secrets...told dem dat im da 4th of 7 children in da hse..
all got excited!!!haha...
night snack ...
lights off...

06 dec 06

den go to discovery centre..dunnoe y aso.. haha...
den go paya lebar...too heart ache to tok bout it...
wen chaning to PT da bunk was all silent...
bcame da IC..
successfullie marched da platoon....sort off..
dinner...laughs started back...
camp pin nyte rehearsal...
bloodie lots of laugh wit bekk!!!!
night snack...
stand by bed...
lights off...

07 dec 06

stand by bed...
board da buz...
go NDU...
saw avon...
kaka... ice cream!!!
den had sum interaction wit ICEP cadets...
off to changi naval base..
slept most of da tyme...
went on board RSS Persistent...
den go to lecture...
abu gave me a no.1 stikfas..
cum back n greeted by ALVIN!
camp pinnacle rehearsal...
fun nyte..
wen goin off to nyte snack,
da clt scold us bcoz we march fast2...
but not fault wad..
da leadin clt force us to macrh fast2..
no fair siah..
night snack..da most tensed up night snack regiment muslim faced...
stand by bed...
lights off...

08 dec 06-HapiE burFdaE JiaN WeN!!!

off to leaders auditorium...
rehearse closing ceremonie...
Closing cermonie...
talk by CO of tech whye sec...
tok by RSM...sleeping away..haha...
area cleanin...
tok by ICEP cadets...
out processing..
den da clts all fall in...
dey bersurai...
den dey throw Syafiq in da air..
lyke throw lil kid siah
den my grp all throw ALVIN...
den dey throw Brendon...
i lazie to tok soo read book most of da tyme...
book out!!!da buz arrive..
verie sad to leave siah..
still gonna mit each oder aso...
no sweat...

dats all lah..
lazi to write bout minor details...
onlie few undaertsand..
BeKK 2 life!!!!!!!

[Ĉõŋqüėŕĩŋģ mŷşēĽƒ]<3 @
5:27 AM
|Ľĩƒēş ǻ ƒăĩŕŷťāĿę|

/ down /

Since da first dae I met euu…
My world was black n white u
until da dae uee walked through
my door n into my heart…
I knew i love euu
wen i can’t help
but cry evri nyte
becoz i knew
euu’re not mine,
euu’re hers…

She leaves euu…
She made euu down..
I was dere for euu…
I knew deep down inside…
I knew euu felt it too…
Not becoz euu told me soo…
I felt it…

Seconds became Minutes..
Minutes Became Hours…
Hours Became Daez…
Daez became Months…
Months became Years…

I knew da reason God
puts space between
my fingers was so dat
someone could fill it up…
Euu were da one…

Your love was neva ending…
It grew stringer afta evri fight…
It was lovelier afta tears were shed…
It all ended afta euu listen to sum lies…
Euu started to tell mie things dat ,
I haf no head or tail too….
Lies dat ended my life…
Lies dat made me soo broken inside…
My love was taken by you,
broken by you ,
and now,
it is in pieces because of you…

Da Young one came..
Da Young saed he lurve mie..
But I juz don’t..
I accected coz he helped me…
Datz all..

Den He came to da rescue..
We shared our secrets..
We made a promise to ourselves…
Somewhere between
all our laughs,
long talks,
stupid little fights
and all our jokes,
I fell in love…

It all repeated again…
He stopped toking to mie…
He didn’t respond to mie…

Its funny..
how He can broke my heart
and i still lurve He…
with all the little pieces…

Da dae dat reallie hurt mie was…
Wen i saw He in da picture...
I cried all dae…

we must get hurt
in order to grow,
We must fail
in order to know,
our visions clear
only after our eyes
are washed away with tears…

Now I juz hate da look of He…
He makes me wanna kill He…
If I didn’t lurve He familie…
I would haf leaked our secrets...
But I dun wanna see,
da ppl I lurve sad..
Soo I shut up n hurt..
Deep inside I juz hurt…
He made my heart to
hate guyz soo much dat
I swears neva to fall in love
if love hurts lyke dat...

ppl still see mie as a jovial gurl..
ppl still see mie as a saviour to thier problems...
ppl still see mie as everything..
even afta all dat has happen…
wad ppl dun see is my heart...
mostly its wounded n bloodie...
its dark...
except for da small window of my familie's love...
shining brightly trying to iluminate
my whole heart
in no avail...
My heart still doesn't let de light to heal it...
Becoz me hearts noes da cure...
pure love...
love that is truely from the other heart..
making da familie light brighter den ever...
a Testimonie for Boys...
About da gurl dey love...

The way her tears
make you want to change the world
so that it doesn’t hurt her anymore…
yet regardless if you love them,
hate them,
wish they would die
or know that you would die without them…
It matters not because once in your life
whatever they were to the world,
they become everything to you…
When you look at girls in the eyes,
traveling to the depths of their souls
and you say a million things
without a trace of a sound,
you know that your own life is inevitable
consumed within the rhythmic beating
of her very heart…

We love them for a million reasons…
No paper would do justice…
It is a thing not of the mind…
It’s just a feeling…
Only felt…

diz song depicate
alot bout me..
easily i sae dat im da kind of girl dat
falls in love not everidae...
when i fall in love,
its a celebration...
but once i fall in love,
I will love da guy till i die...
it will break me to a
thousand pieces if im...

Sampai menutup mata by Acha Septriasa...

embun di pagi buta
menebarkan bau basah
detik demi detik ku hitung
inikah saat ku pergi

oh Tuhan...
ku cinta dia
berikanlah aku hidup
takkan ku sakiti dia
hukum aku bila terjadi

aku tak mudah mencintai
aku tak mudah mengaku ku cinta
aku tak mudah mengatakan
aku jatuh cinta

senandungku hanya untuk cinta
tirakatku hanya untuk engkau
tiada dusta sumpah ku cinta
sampai ku menutup mata
cintaku sampai ku menutup mata

// bad.days

December 2006
Soo there’s this boy And the way he laughs, Make me smile… And he way he talks, Gives me butterflies… And just everything about him, Makes me happy… But, who is he???
// .t.a.l.k. .t.o. .m.i.i.e.

copyright anakseni.06